Today in September 13, 2013 intellectual property rights committee of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan has issued innovation patents to “Ak-Kamys” Company. What is the patent? And in which purposes the company needs it?
Patent — is the document that confirms the exclusive right of holder of patent for invention, useful model or industrial model. Patent also certifies priority and authorship.
It is of interest to consider why the acquisition of patent is necessary?
The patent gives the right to holder to prohibit practically any unauthorized use of his intellectual property to other people that is it is the method of protection from claims of other people on the result of your creative activity.
Responsibility for infringement of patent rights is provided both in civil legislation (reimbursement of damages, loss of profit, compensation of moral damage and etc.) and in criminal legislation (penalty, obligatory works, deprivation of liberty).
Thank you for your attention!
Yesenkhanova Aigerim, Almaty.
There is Ayan Temireli, Director of “Ak Kamys” LLP, after presentation with a patent and copyright on the photo.