The Director of LLP“Ak Kamys”, A.Temirali, visited the Netherlands. The Russian-Dutch Biofuel Conference took place in the Port of Rotterdam. 27 participants from Russia, 1 participant from Kazakhstan and 55 representatives of the energy and trade companies of the Netherlands visited the event. The organizers of the conference are Port of Rotterdam and Information and Analytical Agency "INFOBIO". The Consulate General of the Netherlands in Saint-Petersburg and “World Bioenergy” Magazine provided a support for the event. After the conference the 2-day tour to the enterprises producing the biofuels and energy companies was organized for participants.
On 10th of December, on the riverside of Maas river, in the centre of the largest European port the Russian producers of biofuel, experts and consultants discussed thecooperation possibilities with the representatives of Dutch companies during 8 hours.
Notwithstanding that the Netherlands have the great interest in the tree biomass, as well as agro-biofuel, the Russian representatives attempted to prove that a peat can be also classified as the renewable energy source. One of the representatives from the Russian delegation evensuggested preparing a letter to the European Union with purpose of giving a support for development of thepeat industry.
DuringthevisittotheNetherlandssomeparticipantssignedtheletters of intent and even managed to obtain the nominal advance for fuel pellets (on the photo:Ayan Temirali, LLP «AkKamys», Kazakhstanand Nikolay Mushustin, First Climate Markets AG, Germany. Attesting witness of the deal: Anton Ovsyanko, Portal-Engineering, Russia)

The Information and Analytical Agency "INFOBIO" plans to arrange the similar tours and conferences in future too.